Orange You Happy?

The second assignment for the Artistic Alchemy class was "color." We had to think about what colors we're drawn to, what colors we like to wear, what colors we enjoy in art, etc.

ORANGE is absolutely my favorite color! So, for this page I did an orange background and along the left side I pasted a quote by Frank Sinatra, “Orange is the happiest color.” On squares of wallpaint samples, I mounted words describing orange and the people who love it, and then covered most of the page with these.

Along the top, I placed wallpaint samples of two of my other favorite colors – pink and turquoise. Combined with orange, they’re quirky. But pair them with brown and they become chic. At the bottom, again in wallpaint samples, I created a palette of my favorite color theme, the hues of autumn – warm and saturated, organic and earthy.

This page was fun! (Maybe because orange is the happiest color. :) )