SJ Pg 4: (Binding with) tape

Today we are going to journal with the prompt “I forgot to tell you…”. We are going to tape over all of the journaling. Sand the tape. Paint the page and wipe off. Sand a bit more to take off some of the paint. Paint again and wipe off. Go back and work on your "Taped page". No rules. (Full instructions at Caspiana.)

As soon as I read through the assignment, I had a concept based on Matthew 16:19: “And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." This page is about my personal spiritual warfare.

For the journaling prompt, I wrote, “Satan, I forgot to tell you that these things you speak about me are lies… (and listed the things). And Satan, I forgot to tell you that these things that Jesus speaks about me are truth…(and listed those things).”

By layering the page with tape, I was “binding” the lies of the enemy. Over the painted tape, I created a collage of keys and a keyhole, thus “loosing” the truths of Jesus.

I wrote, “binding the LIES - loosing the TRUTH - jesus has given me the KEYS” on the page and “Matthew 16:19” on the keyhole.

I LOVED THIS PAGE! I was so excited by how the concept unfolded in my mind. And the textures created by the tape and sanding and painting are fascinating. (I just wish my handwriting was better aligned.)

1 comment:

arlene said...

I really didn't like doing this page at all, and when it was done I was really unhappy with it. Today I went back to it and added colour and words to show the kind of answer I know to be Truth in my life, and now I'm very happy with it. I'm going too post the new version later today.
It's really great to see where you are coming from. Thanks for sharing!
